Snowflake Tea Party

Colvin Run Mill 10017 Colvin Run Rd, Great Falls, VA, United States

(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Bring your child to the mill and celebrate winter with this snowflake-themed tea party. You'll enjoy tea, savory and sweet treats, along with a winter craft and 19th century games. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. 3 to Adult.


Weed Warrior Workday at Westmoreland Hills

Westmoreland Hills Local Park 5315 Elliott Drive, Bethesda, MD, United States

(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join Weed Warrior Supervisor Celia for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Little Falls Stream Valley. We will meet in the park’s parking lot. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines, especially English ivy (Hedera helix) and porcelainberry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata) that are climbing on mature trees.  Native Virginia creeper and poison ivy are also present and beneficial, ...


Hibernation: The Science of Sleep

Winkler Botanical Preserve 5400 Roanoke Ave., Alexandria, VA, United States

(VA) (NOVA Parks) Ever wonder how some of our native furry friends survive the chilly winter days outside? Register the whole family to learn the difference between hibernation vs. brumation and the science behind why and how animals sleep safely in the cold. During this interactive workshop, you'll make and take home a rabbit friend and learn how to help ...

Flying Squirrel Lore

Long Branch Nature Center & Park 625 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (Arlington Parks) Flying squirrels are found throughout the wooded neighborhoods of Arlington, but are seldom seen. Join us to learn about these nocturnal rodents in our classroom, then see wild flying squirrels outdoors. Dress for the weather, it can become very cold. Find more Arlington Parks nature and stewardship events here.


Owl Prowl & Hot Cocoa

Long Branch Nature Center & Park 625 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (Arlington Parks) Join us for an evening nature hike when the leaves aren’t out and the owls may be easier to spot. Give a hoot… literally as we learn about and try to call to our native nocturnal raptors. Dress for the weather. Families. Find more Arlington Parks nature and stewardship events here.


Wildlife Photography Field Shoot

Huntley Meadows 3701 Lockheed Blvd, Alexandria, VA, United States

(VA) (Capital Photography Center) Join naturalist Matt Felperin for a wildlife photography field shoot at Huntley Meadows Park, one of the more magical natural areas in the region. The winter is especially unique due to a variety of waterfowl species (such as Green-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, Northern Pintails, and Hooded Mergansers) that spend the season in the wetlands. Learn how ...


Weed Warrior Workday at Little Falls

Little Falls Stream Valley Park 6300 Little Falls Pkwy, Bethesda, MD, United States

(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join Weed Warrior Supervisor Celia for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Little Falls Stream Valley Unit 1. We will meet in the park’s parking lot. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines, especially English ivy (Hedera helix) and porcelainberry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata) that are climbing on mature trees.  Native Virginia creeper and poison ivy are also ...


Teen Volunteering at Glencarlyn Park

Long Branch Nature Center at Glencarlyn Park 625 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (Arlington Parks) Help us with improving Glencarlyn Park. Each Sunday we will have hands-on projects like weed pulling, raking, trail maintenance and trash pick-up. Your hard work will make the park a better place for both people and nature. Ages 12 to 17. Find more Arlington Parks nature and stewardship events here.

Terborgh Gardens Invasive Pull

Terborgh Terrace Gardens 4578 26th St N, Arlington, United States

(VA) (Northern Virginia Conservation Trust) Volunteers will come help pull invasive plants on our Terborgh Terrace Garden property. By pulling invasives, the soil can recover and be replanted with native plants that benefit the soil, pollinators, and the humans that get to eat the produce! Los voluntarios vendrán a ayudar a eliminar las plantas invasoras de nuestra propiedad en Terborgh ...

Full Moon Meditation at Riverbend

Riverbend Park 8700 Potomac Hills St, Great Falls, VA, United States

(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Take time to set intentions for the next month while engaging in mindfulness practices under the full moon along the Potomac River. A variety of techniques such as breathwork, gentle stretches and purposeful movement will be used. Please bring your own yoga mat or camping chair. Appropriate for all skill levels. Adults. More Fairfax County Parks ...


Ecology Book Club at Cleveland Park

Cleveland Park Library 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, United States

(DC) (DC Public Library) This bimonthly adult book club discusses books on human ecology, sustainable living, environmental justice and post-fossil fuel futures. Books can be nonfiction, fiction or poetry. This month we will be discussing Flight Behavior, a novel by Barbara Kingsolver.

Invasive Plant Issues in the General Assembly: A Talk by Jim Hurley (Virtual)

(Northern VA Bird Alliance) Join this free webinar on efforts to reduce the spread of invasive plants, which is a hot topic in the current Virginia General Assembly session. The speaker, Jim Hurley, will discuss the pending legislation on invasive plants, as well as proposed budget amendments that would provide more funding to combat invasives.  He'll also provide advice on ...

Capital Nature