Phenology in Focus with iNaturalist (Virtual)

(iNaturalist) Did you know that every plant observation on iNaturalist helps us understand the timing of seasonal cycles? Join us to learn more about plant phenology and easy ways to get involved! Each photo of a plant contains critical information about the presence or absence of flowers, fruits, and leaves. We need you to help unlock those insights! This webinar ...

How Animals Overwinter (Virtual)

(Mt Cuba Center) Join Leah Brooks as she highlights the strategies and adaptations that native animals use to survive the winter. Unlock the secrets of frogs that freeze, mammals that hunker in hollows, butterflies that bunk under bark, and more! Leah Brooks is the Public Programs Coordinator at Mt. Cuba Center. She has dual bachelor’s degrees from the University of ...


Winter Bird ID (Virtual)

(MD) (Montgomery Parks) All the cool kids are doing it…birding, that is! Want to catch up with the trend? Watching birds during the winter months is a great place to start. Join us to learn how to identify local species and begin building “ID” skills to flex as a birder. This is a series of 45-minute online lessons taught by ...


Birding in a Winter Wonderland (Virtual)

(DC) (Smithsonian Associates) Not all birds fly to tropical climates for the winter. Naturalist Matt Felperin shares valuable tips on how to make the most of winter birding in the mid-Atlantic region, where species from songbirds to swans to shorebirds find seasonal homes in temperate North America. You’ll be ready to put on your snow pants and parka and enjoy ...

$25 – $30

Gentle Yoga at Brookside

Brookside Gardens 1800 Glenallan Ave, Wheaton, MD, United States

(MD) (Montgomery Parks) This series of classes feature foundational yoga poses that are designed to support better breathing, walking, and space orientation. Yoga movements help build muscle, bone density and core strength while improving balance, posture, and flexibility. Mats are not included. Instructor: Sherry Weber. Held in the Visitor Center auditorium. Ages 18+ This class meets weekly. More Montgomery Parks ...


Brookside Gardens Winter Tour

Brookside Gardens 1800 Glenallan Ave, Wheaton, MD, United States

(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Winter brings a different dimension to the gardens that is sometimes overlooked by visitors. Walk and talk with garden expert Kristin Davey, of Brookside Gardens staff, to uncover the “bones of the garden” without the distraction of leaves or flowers. Explore the architectural elements that shape the gardens including woody plants, hardscape and other components of design. ...


Nature 101 for Adults: Local Animals

Long Branch Nature Center & Park 625 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (Arlington Parks) Want to learn more about nature and science? Join a naturalist for a crash course in how to teach environmental science and place-based nature education. Participants will get to be hands-on with learning items, can interact with live animals, and practice presentation skills. This program will focus on animals native to Virginia, learning their basic facts and ...


Vernal Pool Wildlife (Virtual)

(VA) (Northern Virginia Bird Alliance) A vernal pool is a form of temporary, freshwater wetland that contains water for a portion of the year. A vernal pool can support a fantastic array of wildlife and plants, some specially adapted for these habitats and rare in Virginia. Conservation efforts for these habitats are desperately needed. Join this talk with Michael Hayslett ...

$15 – $25
Capital Nature