Science Investigation: Owls!

Georgetown Neighborhood Library 3260 R St NW, Washington, DC, United States

(DC) (DC Public Library) Did you know that owls cough up a pellet made of the bones and fur of the animals that they eat? Join us for a hands-on science investigation by dissecting an owl pellet and determining what kinds of animals the owls ate! This activity will be led by a naturalist from the Gulf Branch Nature Center! ...

Lunchtime Meditation and Mindfulness (Virtual)

(DC) (Smithsonian Asian Art Museum) Meditation helps us build a relationship to a place of inner quietude. Whether you’re a beginner or a skilled practitioner, join us for free online meditation sessions each week led by DC-based meditation teachers on Tuesdays and Fridays. Friday sessions include inspiration from art in the museum collections, much of which is inspired by nature, ...

Virginia Winter Greens Walk

Long Branch Nature Center & Park 625 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (Virginia Native Plant Society) Join Margaret Chatham of the Potowmack Chapter of VNPS for a modest ramble at Longbranch Park on natural surface trails that go uphill and down, looking at woods and a small meadow. We’ll see evergreen natives, early spring ephemerals, or exotic plants stealing a march on the natives. Plants that are green in the winter each ...

Full Moon Nature Hike & Campfire

Riverbend Park 8700 Potomac Hills St, Great Falls, VA, United States

(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Enjoy nature's tranquil beauty and the night sky under a full moon. Your naturalist guide points out signs of creatures that glide, fly and tiptoe through the woods in the dark. Enjoy a campfire after the hike with s'mores provided. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. 6 to Adult.


Morning Owl Prowl

(DC) (DC Bird Alliance) It's truly a spectacular sight to see an owl. Join us on a walk with one of our superstar photographers, Sanka Perera, as we try to spot our mysterious feathered friends. The location will be sent to registered guests, only, and attendance is being kept low on purpose. Please do not bring unregistered guests.

Owl Prowl & Hot Cocoa

Long Branch Nature Center & Park 625 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (Arlington Parks) Join us for an evening nature hike when the leaves aren’t out and the owls may be easier to spot. Give a hoot… literally as we learn about and try to call to our native nocturnal raptors. Dress for the weather. Families. Find more Arlington Parks nature and stewardship events here.


Wildlife Photography Field Shoot

Huntley Meadows 3701 Lockheed Blvd, Alexandria, VA, United States

(VA) (Capital Photography Center) Join naturalist Matt Felperin for a wildlife photography field shoot at Huntley Meadows Park, one of the more magical natural areas in the region. The winter is especially unique due to a variety of waterfowl species (such as Green-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, Northern Pintails, and Hooded Mergansers) that spend the season in the wetlands. Learn how ...


Bridges of Light and Time: A Reflective Writing Workshop (Virtual)

(DC) (Smithsonian Associates) Guided by the founding instructor of the National Gallery of Art’s Writing Salon, Mary Hall Surface, immerse yourself in the colors, light, and forms of Claude Monet’s exquisite The Japanese Footbridge to explore the bridge as a metaphor for the thresholds and journeys of our lives. Designed for writers of all levels, and for the curious, the workshop ...

$40 – $45
Capital Nature