Maryland Winter Tree ID

Kings Landing Park 3255 Kings Landing Road, Huntingtown, MD, United States

(MD) (Maryland Native Plant Society) All trees do not look alike in winter! We'll learn the basics of plant identification using winter keys and field guides, then take a hike to use our knowledge (so make sure you bring outdoor weather clothes). This program is designed for those with little or no experience and will focus on twigs, buds, and ...

Winter Stream Life at EC Lawrence Park

Ellanor C. Lawrence Park 5040 Walney Rd, Chantilly, VA, United States

(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Explore Walney Creek with a naturalist to meet some of the small creek critters (macroinvertebrates) that call it home. Learn why so many different types of macroinvertebrates are active in winter streams. The naturalist will demonstrate winter collecting and participants can help pick, sort and learn to identify these magnificent critters. Ages 8 to Adult. More ...


Frog Frenzy

Potomac Overlook Regional Park 2845 N. Marcey Road, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (NOVA Parks) What's that sound? Wood Frogs abound! These woodland amphibians are a welcome sign that spring is around the corner. See (and hear) some of these *ribbeting* animals at our frog pond and learn about a fascinating adaptation they have to survive the cold winter.

Gallery Opening: Wild and Fantasy Woods

Studio Gallery 2108 R Street NW, Washington, DC, United States

(DC) (Studio Gallery) Join Studio Gallery and artists Wayne Paige and Judy Bonderman for the opening of their shows: "Wild" and "Fantasy Woods." Paige taps into his childhood imagination to explore a wild world of beings. Bonderman explores the decay of a felled tree in her digital media works. Also opening is "Reclamation" by multiple artists. Studio Gallery is open ...

Invasive Plant Survey on Western Ridge Trail

Boundary Bridge Rock Creek Park Boundary Bridge Parking, Chevy Chase, United States

(DC) (Rock Creek Conservancy) Help the National Capital Region Invasive Plant Management Team, Rock Creek Park, and Invader Detectives scout for Arum italicum (Italian Arum), corydalis incisa (Incised Fumewort), berberis bealai (Leatherleaf Mahonia)! We will be hiking and recording any presence of these three plants on the Western Ridge Trail. Our goal is to search for and understand the extent ...

NextGen Bird Walk at Riverbend

Riverbend Park 8700 Potomac Hills St, Great Falls, VA, United States

(VA) (Northern Virginia Bird Alliance) Welcome to a winter bird walk with Nextgen Birders for Conservation, hosted by Luke High. We will embark upon a 2 hour walk through the park, which runs alongside the Potomac River and will hopefully be home to many waterfowl and the resident eagles in the area.

iNat Nite in the DMV (Virtual)

(DC) (MD) (VA) (Capital Nature) Join us for the February edition of iNaturalist Virtual ID Night. The topic this month is: Using iNat Far from Home by Deborah Barber. We will have a fascinating presentation by Deborah, and you will then have an opportunity to hone your identification skills using iNaturalist. Cosponsored with The Nature Conservancy (MD/DC Chapter) and Prince ...

Great Backyard Bird Count

(Audubon) (Cornell Lab) Connect to birds, to nature, and with each other. Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join us, February 14–17, 2025, when the world comes together for the love of birds. How does it work? Spend time in your favorite places watching birds—then tell us about them! In as little as 15 minutes notice the ...

Capital Nature