Annual Winter Bird Count

Battery Kemble Park 21 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD, United States

(DC) (DC Bird Alliance) DC Bird Alliance is happy to contribute to this global community science effort to help birds and their habitats. Join us at one of our traditional Winter Bird Count hotspots, Battery Kemble. We'll bring the coffee!


Saturday Bird Walk at Woodend

Woodend Nature Sanctuary 8940 Jones Mill Road, Chevy Chase, MD, United States

(MD) (Nature Forward) Join enthusiastic birders at Woodend to learn birding basics. One will learn binocular basics and how to identify common birds as well as explore the wonders of migration. Second registrant is free.


Volunteer Day at Potomac Overlook

Potomac Overlook Regional Park 2845 N. Marcey Road, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (NOVA Parks) Join us as we work to keep our park healthy and beautiful!  Assist with invasive plant removal, habitat restoration, and other projects as needed.  Come dressed for and prepared to work outdoors. Gloves and snippers are recommended, but extras may be provided if needed.  Meet at the picnic shelter (located in main parking lot). Ages 9 +


Sunday Morning Bird Walk at Dyke Marsh

Dyke Marsh Alexandria, VA, United States

(VA) (Friends of Dyke Marsh) Join FODM for a bird walk every Sunday at 8 a.m. The Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve is a freshwater, tidal marsh on the Virginia side of the Potomac River in Fairfax County. It is a unit of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, U.S. National Park Service.


Mindful Bird Walk and Forest Bathing

(DC) (DC Bird Alliance)  Join DC Bird Alliance for a Mindful Bird Walk & Forest Bathing With Camp Fire & S'Mores in RockC reek park.


Hike with a Ranger at Rock Creek Park

Rock Creek Nature Center 5200 Glover Rd NW, Washington, United States

(DC) (National Park Service) During this ½ mile excursion, young explorers learn the hiking essentials, such as trail safety, what to wear or bring to a hike, and how to Rrecreate Rresponsibly all while looking at nature and respecting nature found in our woodlands.  This ranger-led hike is intended to create treasured trail experiences for families interested in planning more ...


Monday Morning Birdwalk at Huntley Meadows

Huntley Meadows 3701 Lockheed Blvd, Alexandria, VA, United States

(VA) (Friends of Huntley Meadows) The Monday Morning Bird Walk is sponsored by the Friends of Huntley Meadows Park and takes place every Monday at 8 a.m. Following the walk, members of the group gather at the nearby Denny’s for breakfast and to compile the morning’s bird list. All are welcome.  


Welcome to the World of Winter Trees

Boundary Bridge, Rock Creek Park Beach Dr, Washington DC, United States

(MD) (Nature Forward) Ever wanted to know what type of tree you were looking at and despaired because there were no leaves? Never fear, help is here! Join Habitat Manager Bradley Simpson for a winter stroll at Boundary Bridge in Rock Creek Park. On this walk, we’ll enjoy December along the creek and learn how to approach identifying trees when ...

$35 – $49
Capital Nature