Introduction to Woodblock Nature Printing (Virtual)

(DC) (Smithsonian Associates) Also called Provincetown prints, white-line woodcuts are a hybrid of monoprints and Japanese-style multi-block woodcuts. Learn to create your own by cutting a nature print or simple line drawing into a wood block with a knife or gouge, creating the “white lines” when printed. As in traditional woodblock printmaking, you can use your block over and over, ...

$80 – $95

Build Your Own Snow Globe

Meadowside Nature Center 5100 Meadowside Lane, United States

(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Create your own miniature winter wonderland and learn why cold winter weather is so important! More Montgomery Parks nature events can be found here.


Pinecone Bird Feeders

Gulf Branch Nature Center & Park 3608 Military Rd, Arlington, VA, United States

(VA) (Arlington Parks) Have your kids join us in making these fun pinecone bird feeders full of healthy treats for our outdoor bird and squirrel friends! The easy recipe is great to do at home as well! Ages 6 to 10. Find more Arlington Parks nature and stewardship events here.

Capital Nature