Sustainable Gardens in a Changing Climate (Virtual)

(Mt Cuba Center) Our 2025 online lecture series: Gardens in a Changing Climate showcases the voices of ecologically minded experts who work to inspire ideas of how to prompt change in the space we steward in a changing climate. This is the first of a three-part virtual series. Sustainable Gardens in a Changing Climate With a focus on the intersection ...


Let’s Talk Gardens: Finding Inspiration (Virtual)

(DC) (Smithsonian Gardens) Does winter weather have you thinking of your upcoming garden plans? Want to dream up some new projects but don’t know where to start? Grab a warm beverage and join Smithsonian Gardens Horticulturist Sylvia Schmeichel as she shares sources for inspiration as well as some of the tips and tricks that our team uses to come up with ...

Brookside Gardens Winter Tour

Brookside Gardens 1800 Glenallan Ave, Wheaton, MD, United States

(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Winter brings a different dimension to the gardens that is sometimes overlooked by visitors. Walk and talk with garden expert Kristin Davey, of Brookside Gardens staff, to uncover the “bones of the garden” without the distraction of leaves or flowers. Explore the architectural elements that shape the gardens including woody plants, hardscape and other components of design. ...


Brookside Gardens Winter Tour

Brookside Gardens 1800 Glenallan Ave, Wheaton, MD, United States

(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Winter brings a different dimension to the gardens that is sometimes overlooked by visitors. Walk and talk with garden expert Kristin Davey, of Brookside Gardens staff, to uncover the “bones of the garden” without the distraction of leaves or flowers. Explore the architectural elements that shape the gardens including woody plants, hardscape and other components of design. ...


Garden Talk – Easy Garden Makeovers

Green Spring Gardens 4603 Green Spring Rd, United States

(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Do you have an area of your garden that you want to plan or rework? Are you tired of your current landscape design or lack of one?  Does your landscape meet your needs? With a little bit of knowledge, planning and effort you can brighten your garden with dazzling color. Extension Master Gardener docents lead you ...


Rooting DC

Eastern Senior High School 1700 East Capitol St NE, Washington DC, United States

(DC) (District Department of Energy & Environment) Rooting DC is the District’s central meeting ground for individuals nonprofits, businesses, and government entities looking to grow gardens and a healthier food system in the nation’s capital. There will be educational, workshops, exhibitor booths, local eats, networking space, and valuable community-building where local growers and food-systems stakeholders share their knowledge and learn ...

Capital Nature