Wildlife in the DC Area
The Washington metro area is home to an abundance of flora, fauna, and fungi wildlife. Here are some ways to explore and get to know our species:
- Nature Near You with Capital Nature
- Learn about wildlife from DOEE, Nature Forward, Maryland Biodiversity Project, Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, DC Bird Alliance, Anacostia Watershed Society, Virginia Native Plant Society, Maryland Native Plant Society, Plant NOVA Natives, Virginia Herpetological Society, Mycological Association of Washington DC, and your local parks nature center!
- Track local bird migration using the BirdCast Migration Dashboard and Audubon’s Bird Migration Explorer
- View Capital Nature’s Wildlife Gallery
Observe for Citizen Science
Observing and documenting wildlife is fun! And you can help scientists with your local data. See how you can observe with iNaturalist, Seek by iNaturalist and eBird. Learn bird calls from Merlin. Join projects to track bumble bees, fireflies and Monarch butterflies with the Xerces Society.
Visit Capital Nature’s citizen science page for more resources on projects you can get involved in.