(DC) (Smithsonian) The story of chocolate begins with a small cacao tree rooted deep in the history of Mesoamerican culture. Learn the symbolism and history of this beloved and storied ingredient through art making and other hands-on activities. All day:
- Create your own cacao-inspired codex book with Evelyn Orantes (Maya)
- Visitors are invited to make a pre-Columbian-style codex book to fill with Mesoamerican symbols and images that represent cacao using stamps, collages, and drawings.
- Cacao-inspired mural painting with Joaquin Alejandro Newman (Yaqui/Mexica)
- This interactive mural project allows visitors to collaborate with artist Joaquin Alejandro Newman to paint a mural that illustrates chocolate in Mesoamerican art.
- Blossom to beverage with Jose Reyes and family (Mixtec)
- From budding blooms to ripened cacao pods to the dark liquid that forms delightful confections and beverages, learn the process of harvesting and turning cacao beans into chocolate.