Cultivating Environmental Leaders (Virtual)

(DC) (Smithsonian) Join Jennifer Brundage, National Outreach Manager in Smithsonian Affiliations, to explore strategies for supporting high-school students’ environmental action. Today’s youth have never known a reality without the background of climate change, and eco-anxiety is on the rise among young people. And yet, solutions for sustainable living abound everywhere, at every scale, in every community, and accessible to all. ...


The Future of Environmentalism

National Portrait Gallery 800 G St NW, Washington

(DC) (National Portrait Gallery) In conjunction with the exhibition “Forces of Nature: Voices That Shaped Environmentalism,” join the Portrait Gallery and co-host Monterey Bay Aquarium in a pivotal discussion around the future of climate action and environmental justice. Hear from leading intergenerational voices, Dolores Huerta, Julie Packard, Dorceta Taylor, and Wawa Gatheru, who are shaping the country’s sustainability and environmental ...

Capital Nature