(DC) (National Zoo) Walk, climb, run, slither, or slide and join us for creative, drop-in play at the Zoo! Animals move in different ways and different animals have different body parts they use. Wiggle, wobble, and play with us as we learn and explore together. We'll meet in the Birdhouse classroom. Little Critters Nature Play is designed for ages 0-5 and ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Let’s go outside and hike to improve fitness, play in nature, and experience the great outdoors as a family. You will meet a naturalist at the meet up spot and set out on a trail that will have nature play and fun learning prompts along the way. These hikes are designed for adults with young children.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Tiny Tot programs provide opportunities to interact one-on-one with your child while discovering the wonders of nature. Tiny Tot programs are offered throughout the year at Gulf and Long Branch Nature Centers. Each program has a theme not published ahead of time for flexibility in incorporating changeable aspects of the park and its wildlife into the programs. ...