(VA) (Arlington Parks) Each fall we gather around the Walker Log House to celebrate our nation’s heritage with a family-friendly day of fun. Step back into history and try your hand at some old-time games and crafts, make a corn husk doll, churn butter, dip candles and work the cider press! Bring your old pants and shirt to make a ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Come get your bug on, hunting for insects of all shapes, sizes, and colors in the meadow. Bring your catch back to the naturalist to help identify and learn more about what you found. Be sure to wear sunscreen, a hat, and bring along some water to drink. Nets and other equipment provided. Drop by anytime during ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Kids and families of all ages are welcome to drop-in to the Fall Harvest Family Day. Enjoy free admission to the Woodlawn Museum and hands-on activities include churning butter, filling a harvest basket, and decorating a cardboard pumpkin.
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Fall is filled with festivities. Join us as we press fresh apple cider, make pumpkin bird feeders, create a scarecrow for your front yard, make creepy crafts, and go on a spooky skull hike. Make a scarecrow to decorate your yard. You supply the clothes and creativity and we will supply the straw and craft supplies.