(VA) (Friends of Dyke Marsh) Join FODM for a bird walk every Sunday at 8 a.m. The Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve is a freshwater, tidal marsh on the Virginia side of the Potomac River in Fairfax County. It is a unit of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, U.S. National Park Service.
(DC) (National Park Service) Join park rangers and expert volunteers on Tuesday mornings from 8:30-10:00am for a weekly bird walk at beautiful Kenilworth. Over 250 different species of birds have been spotted at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens and Kenilworth Park! The park manages habitat for ground nesting, aquatic, and woodland birds. Bring comfortable shoes, water, and binoculars if you have them ...
(DC) (Anacostia Watershed Society) Join the Anacostia Watershed Society for a special birding boat tour of the Anacostia River to explore the ecological and historical changes that have occurred in the river and in the communities around the river. This will be one of our last boat tours of the year with special guest, Lynette Fullerton, who will guide us ...
(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) (13-Adult) This class is designed for individuals with intellectual disabilities who want to develop their bird watching skills. Join a park naturalist to learn important tips for bird identification and a short walk along the trail to utilize your bird watching skills. Parent/caregiver participation is required. More Fairfax County nature programs can be found here.
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join a Brookside naturalist and learn the basics of birding on our frustration-free “flat” bird practice trail. Our wildlife pond boardwalk is accessible for all budding birders. Stroll or roll to each bird station and learn proper use of binoculars, how to navigate a field guide and what to look for and at as you step into ...