(VA) (Arlington Parks) During Prohibition illegal liquor was produced throughout Arlington County. Join Park Historian John McNair for stories of local bootleggers and government raids as we take a short walk to one of our area's drinking establishments. Adults
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Have you ever wanted to learn the names of the birds that visit your backyard, the wildflowers along the trail, or even which animal left that footprint in the mud? Montgomery Parks is pleased to offer a new online learning series for adults that teaches you to recognize the most common species of Montgomery County. Led by ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) This series of classes feature foundational yoga poses that are designed to support better breathing, walking, and space orientation. Yoga movements help build muscle, bone density and core strength while improving balance, posture, and flexibility. Mats are not included. Instructor: Sherry Weber. Held in the Visitor Center auditorium. Ages 18+ This class meets weekly.