Pre-K: Little Veterinarian

Long Branch Nature Center & Park 625 S Carlin Springs Rd, Arlington

(VA) (Arlington Parks) Preschool programs are offered throughout the year at both Gulf Branch and Long Branch Nature Centers. The theme for preschool programs is repeated during the month, so please register for only one session at each nature center per month. Caretakers must stay with their child during the program. Ages 3-5


Orchid Care 101 (Virtual)

(DC) (Hillwood) Learn how to care for your orchid and get blooms year after year from Hillwood's expert, Drew Asbury. This virtual class focuses on several of the most commonly available orchids including the Phalaenopsis, or moth orchid, and the classic Cattleya, or corsage orchid. You'll learn all the basics of orchid culture including providing the proper light, water, temperature, ...


Deep Dive: Spring Ephemerals (Virtual)

(VA) (Arlington Parks) Even as we’re still shivering in the chilly late winter and early spring, many brave spring wildflowers are emerging! From the bizarre skunk cabbage to big, showy Trilliums to the neon violet Hepatica, there is a diverse cast of spring ephemeral wildflowers to be seen. We’ll discuss this unique plant lifestyle and the common species you are ...


Urban Nature and the Fifth National Climate Assessment (Virtual)

(DC) (MD) (VA) Please join Urban Ecosystem Restorations for an informational webinar on America's Fifth National Climate Assessment. UER Board member and National Climate Assessment staff scientist Dr. Aaron Grade will describe the findings and features of the report, how it relates to urban ecosystems, and answer your questions.

Capital Nature