(MD) (Anacostia Watershed Society) During this workday we will focus on repairing tree shelters and fencing and removing weeds/invasive plant species to allow the native trees to continue to flourish. The tree canopy along this stretch of the Anacostia River has been devastated by the invasive emerald ash borer beetle. Together with Bat Conservation International, we have planted more native ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join Montgomery Parks in a volunteer park cleanup. Help beautify your community green spaces, keep litter out of our streams, and protect wildlife.
(DC) (Rock Creek Park) Join Rock Creek Conservancy, the National Park Service, and Weed Warrior Leader Kathy Sykes for this invasive plant removal restoration event in Rock Creek Park. Invasive plants are a major threat to our fragile forests, and stopping their spread helps allow native plants to thrive in the understory. Event location, directions, and information will be sent ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Help us with improving Glencarlyn Park. Each Sunday we will have stewardship projects like weed pulling, raking, trail maintenance and trash pick-up. Your hard work will make the park a better place for both people and nature. Teens ages 12 to 17. Registration Required.
(DC) (Anacostia Watershed Society) Join AWS for a wild freshwater mussel survey at Heritage Marsh! We will be walking in mud that can be very mucky in waders (AWS can provide you with a pair if you don't have your own). If you're not comfortable walking in mud using waders, we recommend joining us at a different event.
(VA) (Northern Virginia Bird Alliance) Butterfly and dragonfly surveys are carried out in temperate months (April-October), normally on Friday mornings, at one of four sites around Occoquan Bay, all within the 15-mile diameter circle established for the annual North American Butterfly Association's Annual Count. The results of these surveys are made available to the participants and other interested individuals and ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Save the trees and protect the stream valley ecosystem! Join Barbara, Weed Warrior Supervisor, for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday at Long Branch Stream Valley Unit 2 and Long Branch Local Park. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines and shrubs including porcelainberry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata), English ivy (Hedera helix), and bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.). Native ...
(VA) (Fairfax County) Did you know that invasive plants are a huge threat to local wildlife, including migrating birds? Help out these creatures by volunteering to remove invasive plants and restore habitat! Minimum age: 12.
(DC) (Casey Trees) Welcome to our fall season of Community Tree Plantings! Join us in planting trees at Anacostia Park. You provide the volunteers, we provide all the necessary tools and supplies to plant the trees. Participants will receive a hands-on training on site. After learning the tools and techniques, participants will be split up into groups supervised by a ...
(DC) (Mount Pleasant Village) Join Mount Pleasant Village friends and neighbors to steward the trees on Mount Pleasant Street and a few adjoining blocks. We'll be mulching the tree boxes for the Fall and Winter. The trees are healthier from our previous mulchings and the tree boxes are looking much better. We need you! And your children and grandchildren too! ...