(DC) (Rock Creek Park) The National Capital Region Invasive Plant Management Team is hosting a non-native plant removal event on October 6th. This event is a volunteer effort to help restore the meadows from non-native invasive species through the hands-on removal of harmful shrubs, vines, and flowering plants. During the event, participants will learn how to identify and control several ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join Ellen, Weed Warrior Supervisor, for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Upper Paint Branch Stream Valley Park in Colesville, MD. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines and shrubs, including roundleaf bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), honeysuckle vine (Lonicera japonica), and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora). We’ll be working in close proximity to the Good Hope tributary, which has ...
(VA) (Northern Virginia Bird Alliance) Butterfly and dragonfly surveys are carried out in temperate months (April-October), normally on Friday mornings, at one of four sites around Occoquan Bay, all within the 15-mile diameter circle established for the annual North American Butterfly Association's Annual Count. The results of these surveys are made available to the participants and other interested individuals and ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Save the trees and protect the stream valley ecosystem! Join Barbara, Weed Warrior Supervisor, for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday at Long Branch Stream Valley Unit 2 and Long Branch Local Park. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines and shrubs including porcelainberry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata), English ivy (Hedera helix), and bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.). Native ...
(DC) (Casey Trees) Welcome to our fall season of Community Tree Plantings! Join us in planting trees at Hamilton Manor. You provide the volunteers, we provide all the necessary tools and supplies to plant the trees. Participants will receive a hands-on training on site. After learning the tools and techniques, participants will be split up into groups supervised by a ...
(VA) (NOVA Parks) Join us as we work to keep our park healthy and beautiful! Assist with invasive plant removal, habitat restoration, and other projects as needed. Come dressed for and prepared to work outdoors. Gloves and snippers are recommended, but extras may be provided if needed. Meet at the picnic shelter (located in main parking lot). Ages 9 +
(DC) (Rock Creek Park) Join Rock Creek Conservancy and the National Park Service for this invasive plant removal restoration event in Rock Creek Park. Invasive plants are a major threat to our fragile forests, and stopping their spread helps allow for a thriving native understory. Trail 9 is located at the intersection of Broad Branch and Beach Dr. Detailed location, ...
(DC) (Ward 8 Woods) Join Ward 8 Woods every second Saturday of the month to restore Shepherd Parkway by removing trash and invasive vines that are smothering the trees. Since 2011, over 2,000 volunteers have removed over 200 tons of trash from the woods and cut invasive vines from over 500 trees, but much work remains to be done. Give back ...