(DC)(Rock Creek Conservancy) Join Rock Creek Conservancy, the National Park Service, and Blue Planet Scuba for a litter removal restoration at Picnic Grove #6 in Rock Creek Park. Trash is the visible form of stormwater pollution, a major threat to water quality and park health and its removal makes the parklands cleaner, safer, and more beautiful for all. Detailed event ...
(DC) (MD) (Rock Creek Conservancy) Please join Rock Creek Conservancy for a virtual training for our Stream Team Leader program. Stream Team Leaders are dedicated volunteers that work with the Conservancy to host their own trash cleanups and stormwater engagement events, increasing stewardship actions within their communities and throughout Washington, D.C. and Montgomery County, MD. The training will take place ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join Weed Warrior Supervisors Greg and Kathryn for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Sligo Creek Stream Valley Unit 4. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines and shrubs, including porcelainberry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata), wintercreeper (Euonymus fortunei), English ivy (Hedera helix), Japanese barberry (Berberisthunbergii), and bush honeysuckle (mainly Lonicera maackii). Native Virginia creeper and poison ivy are also ...
(DC) (Student Conservation Association) Come join us for a day of giving back to our public lands at Fort Dupont Park! The Student Conservation Association will be leading volunteer activities including litter abatement, trail maintenance, and invasive plant removal. Volunteers will also recieve a pass for 1 fee-free entry to a National Park upon completion of their volunteer service.
(DC) (Rock Creek Park) Join Rock Creek Conservancy and the National Park Service for this invasive plant removal restoration event in Rock Creek Park. Invasive plants are a major threat to our fragile forests, and stopping their spread helps allow for a thriving native understory. Trail 9 is located at the intersection of Broad Branch and Beach Dr. Detailed location, ...
(DC) (Arlington Regional Master Naturalists) Join the ARMN and NPS Weed Warriors to help us restore native habitat and stamp out invasive non-native plants on Theodore Roosevelt Island. This work is vitally important to protecting the island’s natural areas, including plants that have co-evolved with birds and other local wildlife over thousands of years that are being overwhelmed by fast-growing ...