(VA) (Friends of Huntley Meadows) The Monday Morning Bird Walk is sponsored by the Friends of Huntley Meadows Park and takes place every Monday at 8 a.m. Following the walk, members of the group gather at the nearby Denny’s for breakfast and to compile the morning’s bird list. All are welcome.
(DC) (Smithsonian Asian Art Museum) Meditation helps us build a relationship to a place of inner quietude. Whether you’re a beginner or a skilled practitioner, join us for free online meditation sessions each week led by DC-based meditation teachers on Tuesdays and Fridays. Friday sessions include inspiration from art in the museum collections, much of which is inspired by nature, ...
(DC) (MD) (VA) (Capital Nature) Join us for the December edition of iNaturalist Virtual ID Night. The topic this month is: Tiny Forests: Mosses and Lichens of the DMV! We will have a fascinating presentation on the topic, and you will then have an opportunity to hone your identification skills using iNaturalist. Cosponsored with The Nature Conservancy (MD/DC Chapter) and ...
(Carnegie Science) From naturalists to collectors, appreciation for the beautiful colors and patterns of butterfly wings is widespread. But did you know that one of the underlying functions for these stunning visuals is to protect butterflies from birds and other predators? Butterflies have evolved a variety of fascinating adaptations that help them blend into their surroundings. Some use a phenomenon ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Which animals depend on what plants? And vice versa? Walk the trails as a naturalist explains relationships between native plants and the animals that depend on them. Families.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Fresh air is good for you, your friends and families. Join us in Glencarlyn Park for a leisurely hike with hot cocoa and time for photos in the scenic winter woods. Families.
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join us for the magic of the full moon for a hike and campfire on each Friday nearest to the full moon. Feel free to bring your own hot dogs or food to warm over the fire, and we’ll provide marshmallows. Please register and pay for adults and children. Ages 10 and up.
(VA) (NOVA Parks) "Whooooo cooks for youuuu? Whoooo cooks for youuuu allllll?" No, this is not a chef looking for a job! This is the call of a Barred Owl, perhaps Northern Virginia's most frequently observed owl. Join the roving naturalist on a quest to find these feathered friends. Learn more about owl adaptations, behavior, and role in the ecosystem ...
(DC) (DC Bird Alliance) DC Bird Alliance is happy to contribute to this global community science effort to help birds and their habitats. Join us at one of our traditional Winter Bird Count hotspots, Battery Kemble. We'll bring the coffee!
(VA) (NOVA Parks) Join us as we work to keep our park healthy and beautiful! Assist with invasive plant removal, habitat restoration, and other projects as needed. Come dressed for and prepared to work outdoors. Gloves and snippers are recommended, but extras may be provided if needed. Meet at the picnic shelter (located in main parking lot). Ages 9 +
(MD) (Nature Forward) Join enthusiastic birders at Woodend to learn birding basics. One will learn binocular basics and how to identify common birds as well as explore the wonders of migration. Second registrant is free.