(VA) (Friends of Dyke Marsh) Join FODM for a bird walk every Sunday at 8 a.m. The Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve is a freshwater, tidal marsh on the Virginia side of the Potomac River in Fairfax County. It is a unit of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, U.S. National Park Service.
(VA) (Friends of Huntley Meadows) The Monday Morning Bird Walk is sponsored by the Friends of Huntley Meadows Park and takes place every Monday at 8 a.m. Following the walk, members of the group gather at the nearby Denny’s for breakfast and to compile the morning’s bird list. All are welcome.
(DC) (MD) (VA) (Capital Nature) Join us for the March edition of iNaturalist Virtual ID Night. The topic this month is: Spring Ephemerals by Kerry Wixted. We will have a fascinating presentation by Deborah, and you will then have an opportunity to hone your identification skills using iNaturalist. Cosponsored with The Nature Conservancy (MD/DC Chapter) and Prince George’s County Dept. ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Spring beauties, bloodroot, trout lilies! Even before the last frost, some of our spring wildflowers brave the cold to put on a show. Come take a walk and we’ll discuss the fascinating lifestyle and ecology of these plants. Teens ages 12 and up welcome to attend with a registered adult. Adults.
(VA) (Northern Virginia Bird Alliance) In this class, students will paint a Barn Swallow. Your instructor, Ronna Fujisawa of Salty Water Art, will be your guide through the step-by-step process. Open to all levels of watercolor painters. Beginners are welcome! Get suggested materials on NVBA website. Ronna Fujisawa is an avid bird watercolor artist residing in Portland, Oregon. Salt Water ...
(MD) (Nature Forward) Designated one of the “Best Natural Areas” in M-NCPPC Parks, the 630-acre Blockhouse Point Conservation Park contains a variety of habitats: from upland forests to floodplain forests to rock outcrops to streams and wetlands. As we enter meteorological spring, some trees may be bare while others are budding or even blooming, and ephemeral wildflowers may be emerging ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Join us to investigate some live animal specimens! Kids will be their own scientists and get to see, touch and safely examine a variety of animal species. What's the difference between a frog, toad and salamander? How are they similar? Where can they found in nature? Ages 8 to 12. Find more Arlington Parks nature programs here.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) iNaturalist is an awesome tool to document and learn about the natural world around us. Come learn how to use the phone/tablet app and explore observations on the website, then put it into practice with a walk outside! Teens ages 12 and up welcome to attend with a registered adult.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Want to learn more about turtles? Come and meet all the different turtles we have at the Nature Center, learn about their habits, and give them a snack! Ages 6 to 10. Find more Arlington Parks nature events here.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Explore the park at night when the moon is full! We will search for salamanders along Long Branch Creek. Dress warmly and bring a flashlight if you have one! Event will take place rain or moon-shine! Families. Find more Arlington Parks nature events here.
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join us for the magic of the full moon for a hike and campfire on each Friday nearest to the full moon. Feel free to bring your own hot dogs or food to warm over the fire, and we’ll provide marshmallows. Please register and pay for adults and children. Ages 10 and up. Find more Montgomery Parks ...
(MD) (Nature Forward) Winter might seem quiet and serene, but you’ll be amazed by how vibrant the season can be with leaf litter, lakes, and shrubs alive with the sights and sounds of winter birds. From the tinkling notes of a Winter Wren to the lively songs of a Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, each walk promises moments that will surprise and inspire ...
(VA) (Friends of Dyke Marsh) Help protect native plants by pulling and clipping invasive plants. We will train volunteers to identify the five or so target plants. Register to join us in any of these sessions. Invasive plants can threaten and outcompete native plants. We kindly ask that you not bring pets. March 1, 15 and 29
(DC) (Smithsonian) Join us for a celebration of "Save a Spider Day"! See spider specimens and other arachnids up close, make observations at live tarantula feedings, and learn about the amazing diversity found within the different spider and arachnid species. Scientists from our museum will also share about the science they do to learn more about spiders and will help ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Tiny Tot programs provide opportunities to interact one-on-one with your child while discovering the wonders of nature. Each program will engage your child with hands-on learning and may include a variety of activities like songs, games, crafts, and mini-hikes. Tiny Tot programs are offered throughout the year at Gulf and Long Branch Nature Centers. Each program has ...