(VA) (Arlington Parks) Spring is the time for new life, especially with our budding plants and trees. Come explore our earliest sprouting plants on this wild park hike. Families. Find more Arlington Parks nature programs here.
(DC) (Nature Forward) The Vernal Equinox is the moment in which day and night are of equal length. This is the tipping point between astronomical winter and spring: from here on out, spring is full steam ahead. On this walk, we will experience this transition with the 2.5 mile Rapids Bridge Loop in Rock Creek Park. We will begin walking ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Spring beauties, bloodroot, trout lilies! Even before the last frost, some of our spring wildflowers brave the cold to put on a show. Come take a walk and we’ll discuss the fascinating lifestyle and ecology of these plants. Teens ages 12 and up welcome to attend with a registered adult. Adults.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Join us for an evening nature hike when the leaves aren’t out and the owls may be easier to spot. Give a hoot… literally as we learn about and try to call to our native nocturnal raptors. Dress for the weather.