(VA) (NOVA Parks) Come camp at Bull Run Campground on Naturalist Weekend! There will be an outdoor movie, wooden snake painting, DIY dirt cups, and NOVA Parks' Roving Naturalist will lead a live interactive program!
(DC) (City Blossoms) Join us for free staff-led activities for children, families, neighbors, volunteers, and anyone who wants to drop by. Open Times are a chance for visitors (especially kids) to experience the garden through a variety of activities, such as cooking, art, and maintenance. Anyone who comes to lend a hand is welcome to take home some garden goodies as ...
(VA) (NOVA Parks) Enjoy a walk through Meadowlark Botanical Gardens with your favorite canine on our special Pup Days at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 10am to 7pm. (through October). Please note: Garden admission ends at 6:30pm.
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join us for the magic of the full moon for a hike and campfire on each Friday nearest to the full moon. Feel free to bring your own hot dogs or food to warm over the fire, and we’ll provide marshmallows. Please register and pay for adults and children. Ages 10 and up.
(DC) (Smithsonian) Bring the kids to celebrate summer solstice with sun-themed crafts at the National Museum of Asian Art! In between exploring exhibitions, drop by the ImaginAsia Studio to make a hanging mobile of celestial bodies or hand-printed notecards with stamps of the sun and stars. Our docents will be there to lead you through the crafts and assist you ...