(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join Weed Warrior Supervisor Ed and Weed Warrior Kris for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Wheaton Regional Park. Plan to meet the group in front of the miniature train station at 2000 Shorefield Road, Wheaton. There is ample parking available. (The inclement weather backup date is Monday, January 13). We will focus on non-native, invasive ...
(MD) (Friends of Sligo Creek) Join Montgomery Parks at a volunteer park cleanup! Help beautify your community green spaces, keep litter out of our streams, and protect wildlife. Children under 14 years old must volunteer with a parent/guardian. Find more Montgomery Parks nature events here.
(VA) (Virginia Native Plant Society) Join the Potowmack Chapter of VNPS and Charles Smith as he continues his annual presentation tradition to discuss Assisted Migration. Moving species to new areas to offset climate change is being much discussed and promoted. Who decides what species to move, to where and why? Join this discussion of how species are chosen to be ...
(DC) (Casey Trees) Join Casey Trees as we care for trees and control invasive species at the Langdon Park Forest Patch! Help clip back invasive species, remove vines, add mulch, and protect young trees within the forest patch. Participants will receive a short, hands-on training on site. After learning the tools and techniques, participants will split up into groups and ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Want to restore habitat and increase species diversity right here in Arlington? Work parties are held every month. We are making a real difference, with the return of ferns and wildflowers, and the animals that depend on them, in areas once covered in destructive invasive plants. Adults, teens and families ages 8 and up.
(DC) (Chesapeake Climate Action Network) Join Meredith and fellow volunteers to canvass and remove invasive vines around the Takoma DC neighborhood. This event will be a fun mix of door-to-door canvassing and invasive vine removal. We will meet at the Fort Stevens Rec Center and spend 30 minutes doing training on vine removal and canvassing. From there we will break ...
(DC) (Anacostia Watershed Society) Join the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) and National Links Trust (NLT) for a Habitat Restoration Workday! During this workday you will help AWS with our invasive plant control and revegetation efforts along the riverside area of Kingman Island. We will be meeting at the driving range. This is part of a natural resources management plan for ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join Weed Warrior Supervisor Celia for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Little Falls Stream Valley. We will meet in the park’s parking lot. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines, especially English ivy (Hedera helix) and porcelainberry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata) that are climbing on mature trees. Native Virginia creeper and poison ivy are also present and beneficial, ...