Anacostia River Restoration Q&A (Virtual)
(DC) (Anacostia Parks and Community Collaborative) Learn more about the importance & status of DOE's ARSP Project; potential impacts during construction & share your views.
(DC) (Anacostia Parks and Community Collaborative) Learn more about the importance & status of DOE's ARSP Project; potential impacts during construction & share your views.
(Carnegie Science) From naturalists to collectors, appreciation for the beautiful colors and patterns of butterfly wings is widespread. But did you know that one of the underlying functions for these stunning visuals is to protect butterflies from birds and other predators? Butterflies have evolved a variety of fascinating adaptations that help them blend into their surroundings. Some use a phenomenon ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join Ellen, Weed Warrior Supervisor, for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Upper Paint Branch Stream Valley Park in Colesville, MD. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines and shrubs, including roundleaf bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), honeysuckle vine (Lonicera japonica), and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora). We’ll be working in close proximity to the Good Hope tributary, which has ...
(VA) (Northern Virginia Bird Alliance) Do you like working outside? Join community volunteers in protecting the local environment from non-native invasive plants. This is a continuing project on every Thursday and the first Saturday of each month to reclaim Upton Hill Regional Park from non-native invasive plants. To learn more about Arlington's invasive plant program, visit To learn more about ...
(DC) (Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy) Join us for stewardship of Dumbarton Oaks Park, DC's hidden green oasis and part of Rock Creek Park. Activities may include pulling invasive, cleanup, and planting. Contact [email protected] for more information and to RSVP.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Want to restore habitat and increase species diversity right here in Arlington? Work parties are held every month. We are making a real difference, with the return of ferns and wildflowers, and the animals that depend on them, in areas once covered in destructive invasive plants. Adults, teens and families ages 8 and up.
(DC) (Rock Creek Conservancy) Join Rock Creek Conservancy, the National Park Service, and Rock Creek Weed Warriors Tere and Susi Baranano for this invasive plant removal restoration event in Rock Creek Park. Invasive plants are a major threat to our fragile forests, and stopping their spread helps allow native plants to thrive in the understory. Event location, directions, and information ...
(DC) (Anacostia Watershed Society) Volunteers will join the Anacostia Watershed Society for a rain garden planting at 6th Presbyterian Church! Main tasks will include planting native plants, mulching, and weeding. The rain garden at 6th Presbyterian Church will retain and filter stormwater runoff, reduce pollutants from entering the Anacostia River, and provide wildlife habitat.
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join James, Weed Warrior Supervisor, for a non-native, invasive plant removal workday in Long Branch Stream Valley Unit 1 (between Piney Branch Rd and Carroll Ave), in Takoma Park. We will focus on non-native, invasive vines, especially porcelainberry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata). Native Virginia creeper and poison ivy are also present and beneficial, so we will avoid ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Adults, teens and families ages 8 and up. Want to restore habitat and increase species diversity right here in Arlington? Work parties are held every month at over a dozen parks. We are making a real difference, with the return of ferns and wildflowers, and the animals that depend on them, in areas once covered in destructive ...
(VA) (Northern Virginia Bird Alliance) Join us for Justin Proctor’s presentation on bird-friendly best management practices to apply across rural, suburban, and urban landscapes. His talk will explore strategies, technical assistance, and cost-share programs that can greatly simplify and accelerate your adopting and putting into effect practices that increase habitat and biodiversity on your property. Specific practices to be covered ...
(VA) (Northern Virginia Bird Alliance) Come work on this exciting habitat restoration project! The Lockwood/Elmwood sernior housing complex is a partner in the "Stretch Our Parks" program to restore habitat in and around parks to improve and expand habitat for birds and other pollinators and wildlife. Property management and implementing partners Northern Virginia Bird Alliance, Arlington Regional Master Naturalists, and ...