(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Learn about the park's birds and some basic identification skills. This program for beginners starts with a bird identification discussion. Children age 12 to 16 must be accompanied by a registered adult. More Fairfax County Parks nature events can be found here.
(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Identify some of Fairfax County's common invasive plant species. Explore ways to lessen these plants around your home. 8 to Adult. More Fairfax County Parks events can be found here.
(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Enjoy a late afternoon walk to learn why winter is the best time to go owl-ing. During a story reading, learn to identify local owl calls, discover why owls are nicknamed flying tigers of the night and enjoy a woodland stroll. Children must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered in the class. Ages ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Learn about plant propagation in our state-of-the-art greenhouse facilities. You’ll discover how to produce your own houseplants inexpensively and easily from start to finish. We’ll review the best techniques and plants to propagate from cuttings. Participants will get to take a few potted cuttings to grow at home. Instructor: Nate Roehrich, Brookside Gardens staff. Find more Montgomery ...
(VA) (Fairfax County Parks) Bring a clean, empty, plastic bottle to make a bird feeder. We discuss tips for feeding birds and learn to identify common birds that visit home bird feeders. Dress for the weather and bring binoculars. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Ages 2 to Adult. More Fairfax County Parks nature events can be found ...