(VA) (Capital Photography Center) Join naturalist Matt Felperin for a wildlife photography field shoot at Huntley Meadows Park, one of the more magical natural areas in the region. The winter is especially unique due to a variety of waterfowl species (such as Green-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, Northern Pintails, and Hooded Mergansers) that spend the season in the wetlands. Learn how ...
(DC) (Smithsonian Associates) Guided by the founding instructor of the National Gallery of Art’s Writing Salon, Mary Hall Surface, immerse yourself in the colors, light, and forms of Claude Monet’s exquisite The Japanese Footbridge to explore the bridge as a metaphor for the thresholds and journeys of our lives. Designed for writers of all levels, and for the curious, the workshop ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Join us for a presentation on the different species of evergreens the can be found through the mid-Atlantic and right here in Arlington. We'll learn how to identify them by their needles, barks, seeds and other factors. Adults. Find more Arlington Parks nature and stewardship events here.
(DC) (MD) (VA) (Capital Nature) Join us for the January edition of iNaturalist Virtual ID Night. The topic this month is: The Wonderful World of Lichens with Natalie Howe. We will have a fascinating presentation by Natalie, and you will then have an opportunity to hone your identification skills using iNaturalist. Cosponsored with The Nature Conservancy (MD/DC Chapter) and Prince ...
(DC) (Smithsonian Associates) Learn to sketch animals and objects found in nature, then combine your drawings with painting and additional elements and textures to create whimsical or serious mixed-media art. This is the first of 8 sessions from January 15th to March 5th. Find more Smithsonian cultural and nature events here.
(DC) (Smithsonian Gardens) Does winter weather have you thinking of your upcoming garden plans? Want to dream up some new projects but don’t know where to start? Grab a warm beverage and join Smithsonian Gardens Horticulturist Sylvia Schmeichel as she shares sources for inspiration as well as some of the tips and tricks that our team uses to come up with ...
(DC) (Smithsonian Associates) Learn how to see beauty in the natural world and render it in stunning watercolor paintings, using various watercolor techniques to represent the metallic shell of a beetle, the soft, fuzzy wing of a moth, and the delightful colors of a butterfly. This is the first of 8 sessions from January 16th to March 6th. Find more ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) The grass family is one of the most diverse and globally important plant families, including corn, wheat, bamboo, turf grasses, and many beautiful native grasses! These often-overlooked plants are intricately beautiful upon closer inspection. Come learn about how grasses work and how to identify them. Adults. Teens ages 12 and up welcome to attend with a registered ...
(DC) (Smithsonian Associates) Delightful detailed prints on paper can be made using real fish. Using direct printing and water-based printing inks, create realistic-looking schools of fish or a single artistic print simply by inking a whole fish and pressing it to paper. The result is a gyotaku, a term derived from the Japanese words for fish (gyo) and print (taku). ...