(VA) (Arlington Parks) Preschool programs are offered throughout the year at both Gulf Branch and Long Branch Nature Centers. The theme for preschool programs is repeated during the month, so please register for only one session at each nature center per month. Caretakers must stay with their child during the program. Ages 3-5
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) We believe children belong outside and that they learn best by playing and experiencing the world around them. This program is a 24 session (no class on March 26 and 28), drop-off, preschool program designed to foster your child’s creativity, sense of self, and love of the outdoors. Classes will be outdoors with a park pavilion as ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Springtime is filled with festivities. Join us as we search for leprechauns and hunt for their pots of gold or for a Mother’s Day hike with craft. Ages 3-5
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Join us for an interactive story time followed by an outdoor exploration or activity for children ages 3-7. We will meet in the outdoor classroom area located in the Children’s Garden, weather permitting. Adults must accompany children. Meet in the Outdoor Classroom located in the Children’s Garden area.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Tiny Tot programs provide opportunities to interact one-on-one with your child while discovering the wonders of nature. Each program will engage your child with hands-on learning and may include a variety of activities like songs, crafts, finger plays and mini-hikes. Ages 18-35 months