(VA) (Arlington Parks) Regardless of the weather or season, there are always neat plants, mosses, lichens, and fungi to see if you look closely! Each participant will be given a magnifying hand lens to use during the walk, and we'll explore the incredible micro-worlds of mosses and other plants, fungi, even invertebrates! Teens ages 12 and up welcome to attend ...
(MD) (Montgomery Parks) Enjoy yoga held in a peaceful setting under the cover of the Japanese Tea House. Designed to increase flexibility and physical strength and to cultivate mental focus, these classes are a beautiful and relaxing way to begin your weekend. Mats are not included. This class will be held in the Japanese Tea House, located in the Gude ...
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Join members of the Washington Area Butterfly Club for a flying season review. Come with a butterfly experience to share one-on-one or with the larger group, or just come to listen. You may also bring photos, plants, seeds, specimens, or one or more books to swap or give away. Registration Required. Adults.
(VA) (Arlington Parks) Which animals depend on what plants? And vice versa? Walk the trails as a naturalist explains relationships between native plants and the animals that depend on them. Registration Required. Adults.